The definition of recognition is the acknowledgment of something’s existence, validity, or legality. An exciting way to start an article, don’t you think?

Anyway, recognize my authority in pulling up Google definitions.

One of the many ways we know we have a problem or realize we need to change is through recognition. Some sail through life thinking all other people are the problem when it’s they who have it. Besides thinking that other people are the problem, there are different reasons why the recognition blinders are on. Things like:



Mental illness issues

Being a total asshole

Or being oblivious to what’s happening around and inside you can be caused by any of the four issues above.  

But to avoid going down the rabbit hole, let’s stop there. Recognizing whether you need to change or have an issue that needs addressing is not easy and uncomfortable. However, it’s vital to your growth and improvement as a person as well as your health and fitness.

What does recognition have to do with your health and fitness? Dive in and see.

Houston, We Have A Recognition Problem

Rather than make an example of you all, let’s make an example of me because, well, I deserve it. At least, that’s what my wife tells me. Let’s start with being oblivious to what’s inside, and then I’ll move on to when I was a total asshat.

As a newly certified personal trainer, I thought I was the shit, but reality was singing a different tune. I was (and still am) a massive fan of the deadlift, but I lacked the expertise and experience to do it right. That didn’t stop me from deadlifting to my heart’s content until I herniated three disks in my lower back.

I failed to recognize the warning signs leading up to it, and it cost money, time, and being in considerable pain because of my problem recognition. Second was my failure to realize my anger issues until it was almost too late. Not only did I put my marriage in peril, but my relationship with my children reached a breaking point.

It was similar to those Dr. Rick Progressive commercials about becoming your parents.

You swear you’ll never become like your parents, and then, low and behold, you find yourself just like them. That was me, but the recognition blinders were ripped off here because you wouldn’t be reading this otherwise.

When others react to your behavior similarly, or you keep making the same mistakes that hurt you, you may have a recognition problem. Now, let’s move on to your health and fitness.

What Problem?

It’s said that change will happen when the pain of staying the same exceeds that of changing. My examples were self-inflicted wounds, but sometimes, it takes that recognition to make a change.

Maintaining a basic fitness level, like squatting, pushing, pulling (moving well), and not walking up the stairs and getting winded, is not a high bar. So why is that not met, and why is being overweight more prevalent than ever?

Without throwing the people suffering from obesity under the bus because it’s a disease, many fail to maintain a basic level of fitness due to self-inflicted wounds. For whatever reason, and there are many, health and wellness are not a priority, often until it is too late. That’s when the pain of change or not changing described above kicks in.

So, if you want to prioritize health and wellness, let’s play a recognition game.

Look at the food in your house and write down what you eat for one day. Are there fruits, vegetables, and lean protein sources, or do microwave meals, chips, ice cream, and sodas dominate your diet and pantry? If high-calorie foods with excess sugar, salt, and fats dominate your diet, you must cut back on those.

Let’s play a movement game.

Are you the type of person who finds the closest park at a shopping center? Or do you intend to go to the gym but come up with all the reasons (or excuses) not to go? Does your belly budge or hang over your waistline, or do you have aches and pains from everyday movement?

Not being in denial and practicing a little self-awareness (recognition) about these issues can prevent you from becoming a statistic. Being unhealthy may not be your fault, but it is your responsibility to fix it.

Wrapping Up

Recognition of what’s preventing you from achieving your health and fitness goals goes a long way in overcoming those speed humps. It might hurt and feel uncomfortable to peek in on your inner workings, but your quality of life will benefit.

And so will flex time.

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