I was only seven years old when my grandfather Ron Simmons died of prostate cancer, and at that time, he taught me vital lessons that will stick with me until I meet him again. Although my memories are hazy, I’ll do my best to introduce you to him, explain why he is such an important figure, and provide a few lessons we can all learn from him.
Especially on days when we celebrate our war veterans and honor those who didn’t come home, we remember the immense sacrifices they made for our freedom and acknowledge their enduring legacy of courage and resilience.
A Little About My Grandfather
Before he gave life to my mum, he fought in WW2. He was a trained paratrooper who fought the Japanese by jumping out of airplanes into hostile territory.

My grandfather is a hero and has the medals to prove it. He and his wife never spoke about WW2 and what he did there because the memories were too painful. That isn’t important. My grandfather put his life on the line so I could have mine, and I’m thankful for that.
After WW2 and the end of the Great Depression, he and my grandma settled down and gave birth to my mother.
What My Grandfather Did
My memory gets hazy, and I’m not sure of the timeline, but both my grandparents traveled around Central Australia before and after my birth, running hotels.
Grandad would tend to the bar, and Grandma was in charge of the kitchen and was a mean dessert cook. Her desserts were fantastic and something my brothers and sisters always looked forward to when we visited them.
While tending bars, he dealt with the original Australians. These people were forced from their land and killed by the English after Australia was discovered and colonized in 1788. They didn’t trust the white man, and a lot of white Australians didn’t really understand or trust them either.
Note: Please understand I’m taking a generalized view.
However, my granddad wasn’t one of those people. Because he dealt with the Aboriginals daily, often when they were drinking and vulnerable, he gained their trust, and this trust went both ways.
My Grandfather Was Good With His Hands
He built his house with his hands with some help from his Aboriginal friends. Because of this, there was a lot of Indigenous art hanging in the house, which I would ask questions about. Exposure to this early helps me be less weary and more accepting of Australia’s original inhabitants.
When my parents bought their first house, with financial help from my grandparents, he built my brothers and sisters a
- Sandpit
- A playground with a slide and a swing
- Cubby House shaped like a Pyramid with all the trimmings
Thanks to my grandfather, you can imagine the hours of fun we had on all three.
Grandfather Memories
My fondest memories of my grandfather were when he squeezed my brother and me into his little V Dub and brought us down to the local bar where everyone knew him. He propped me and my brother on a bar stool and ordered lemonade. I remember the pride on his face as he showed off his grandkids to his friends.
It’s something I’ll never forget.
While on his deathbed, he requested to be at home, with his bed facing out into the backyard, to admire his work. When my family visited, he’d prop me up on his bed and tell me about all the stuff he would build me.
He didn’t talk or shed a tear to me about what was happening because he knew I didn’t understand. However, he taught me a few lessons, which I’m beginning to realize now.
The Lessons
Thanks for reading this far, and I’ll finally get to the point.
If we followed my grandfather’s example by building friendships that cross boundaries, sacrificing for our country, putting others before ourselves, and being devoted husbands, fathers, and grandfathers, we would make the world a better place now.
Ron Simmons continues to exemplify how I should live my life and be a better father, husband, and friend. He is a constant reminder even though he left this earth long ago.
Wrapping Up
I hope this gave you something meaningful to consider and apply to your life. Let’s always remember and honor those who paid the ultimate price defending the freedoms we enjoy today.
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