Before diving into this post, we’ll use this definition of determination.

Determination: The firmness of purpose; resoluteness.

However, notice the similarities between determined and stubborn.

Stubborn: A person’s dogged determination to maintain their attitude or position on something, even when faced with compelling arguments or reasons to reconsider.

It’s almost two sides of the same coin, and no one exemplified this more than my grandmother; God bless her soul. You see, my grandma suffered from debilitating COPD and Rheumatoid arthritis, which, as this wore on, made it difficult to do anything without a severe amount of pain.  

But do you think that stopped her? No.

She survived the Great Depression and World War 2, during which her husband fought and lived to tell the tale. Despite the pain, my grandma would get outside and mow the grass, rake, and prune. You could say she was determined, but there was a hint of stubbornness because she refused to be slowed down.

My grandmother set a great example, which I wish I would follow more, but that’s a story for a different day. But what does this have to do with your health and fitness? Not to fret, here it comes.

Determination Of A Child

When you were a child, did you start walking great from the get-go? Probably not. Watching my two boys attempt to stay and move on two feet meant I was constantly picking them up off the turf. But did they give up? No. Like most kids, they were determined to get up and keep trying.

Most kids, like my grandmother, naturally have built-in determination. They can turn the tap, which flows out because they don’t know the difference. But for some, their determination and ability to call on it diminish somewhere between childhood and adulthood.   

That sums me up, as I lack patience and would give up after a few unsuccessful attempts at something.

Sounds familiar?

But no one hands you what you want on a platter. In today’s world, it is more challenging to stay healthy and fit because convenience is all around. Isn’t there a pill for that? We work ourselves to the bone, move less, and eat more, often lacking the time required to exercise.

If you have difficulty showing determination (and finding the time) regarding your health and fitness, it is time to show some. But how? Let’s use me as an example……again.

My Determination Example

Before starting this blog and getting paid to write, I wrote for my local church newsletter, and it wasn’t great. I made tons of errors, and writing even the shortest articles took me a long time. However, I hung in there for some reason, and here I am today, getting paid to write.

For reasons I cannot explain, I stayed determined, and now I’m half decent at something I used to suck at.

But what does this have to do with you and showing determination to improve your health? Think of developing determination like a muscle; you have to use it, or you will lose it.

And you do it by starting small.

Sometimes, I’d be so tired that I would type out only a few sentences, but it was forward progress that snowballed. That attitude will help you with your determination to be healthy and fit. Make progress, no matter how small, day after day, week after week, and year after year.

It becomes a habit, and that habit will hopefully lead to a purpose and resoluteness that you can do this despite your obstacles. It’s not all sunshine and roses; there will be days when you’ll jog on the spot or go backward.

However, just because you’re not moving forward on the path doesn’t mean you’re not on it. By not missing twice and remembering the overwhelming benefits of being healthy, I believe you will develop the determination to keep going.

Wrapping Up

When the odds seem stacked against you or what you want seems a fair way off, it is easy to give up. But your health and fitness are something you should never give up on. Developing determination and having faith in yourself that you can do it despite obstacles will have a massive future payoff.


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