Do you have the desire to be healthier and fitter? Think about that for a moment.

When I was much younger than I am today, I only desired more drugs, more sex, and more partying. Now being a married father of two, my desires have changed because we all have to grow up sometime, including numero uno.

But like many males, I had to be dragged there kicking and screaming.

Before going much further, here’s the definition of desire according to the Oxford Languages.

“A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. Or “Strongly wish for or want something.”

Desire is a feeling of wanting and wishing and not an action. You can have the desire to do something sure, like eating a donut. That’s a straightforward desire to satisfy and an easy step to carry out.

But what about the desire to be healthier and fitter? You have all had this feeling at some stage, but the action required to do this is a little more challenging than driving to the store to get a donut. Let’s explore this feeling of desire and use it for good and not evil.

Why It’s Hard To Get From Desire To Action

Being in the health and fitness game for a while, I have the desire to work out, and working out is easy (for me) because it’s a habit. But this is not the same for everyone because most personal trainers are freaks for exercise and even do it on vacation.

Ohh, the horror.

But for most of you reading, you understand exercising and eating right, although good for you, is challenging to do all the time. You have the desire, sure, but getting to the action and doing it is more challenging than satisfying your cravings for a donut. But why is that?  

Here’s what I think.

Being consistent over a long period is difficult, especially in the absence of results and this little thing called life. When you do not see results from all this exercising and dieting, it is harder to be consistent, and life is always ( I don’t say always lightly) putting up obstacles.

Some expect immediate results and want instant gratification yesterday. We live in a society (IMO) where desires are immediately gratified. And when they are not, like with diet and exercise, it’s easy to dismiss both.

Last but not least information overload as there is a multitude of methods and principles when it comes to diet and exercise. Most of them work (until they don’t), and you have to stick with it until it works. Here, the instant gratification gene messes with us because the grass is always greener on the other side.

Let’s Use Desire For Good

For one million dollars, said in Dr. Evil’s voice. No, that would be for evil. Where was I? Yes, using the desire for good and not evil. Here I’ll use client examples; hopefully, you will draw some inspiration from them.

Note: First names only to protect their identity and privacy.

Pam is a long-term client who trained with me in person and online for around ten years. This time, her goals have switched from fat loss (although that’s a constant goal) to her health and well-being. But being consistent hasn’t been easy for Pam.

First, the COVID thing forced her to work full-time from home, and she had to care for her elderly mother too. Then her stepmother was in poor health, and she stepped up to the plate to take care of her. This care involved a three-hour commute and lots of time, stress, and money. All through this, Pam continued to train twice weekly with minimal time on her hands.

How did she do this?

Pam made a financial commitment to her training and a personal commitment to her health and fitness. Then yours truly held her accountable by bugging the crap out of her and being flexible with her training times.  

She matched her desire to improve with action while facing some pretty significant barriers.  

Sheryl works a full-time demanding job and is the mother of two teenagers. Her husband travels for work weeks at a time, and she has to go alone to care for the house and kids. To say she is busy is an understatement. But Sheryl finds the time to train with me once weekly, performs aerial yoga, and is training for a marathon next year.

How does she do it all?

I’m still trying to figure out how Sheryl does it all, starting with the fact that she must have an identical twin because she must be in two places at once. That can’t be it, but here’s what I know.  

Sheryl has the means to hire help around the house, so she has the time to take care of her family and house. Like Pam, she makes an upfront financial commitment to her training, has me hold her accountable, and matches her desire with action. Sheryl has demands on her time like most of us but never uses the have no time excuse for her health and fitness.  

In both examples, my clients have the financial means to make it happen, but that’s not the only reason they succeed with their health and fitness endeavors. Both are busy and have demands on their time, like most of you, so how do they match their desire with action?

It all starts with a commitment, committing yourself to make it happen. Now that doesn’t mean perfection, but it does mean being consistent and making health and fitness a part of your life. Because when you do, good things like Michelle Obama’s arms are entirely possible.

Wrapping Up

It starts with desire, but the desire needs to be matched with consistent action and a commitment to yourself to make it happen. Consistent doesn’t mean you’re going to fail, but it does mean that you will get back up once you fail.

Once you commit to your health and fitness, lock it in, and you will never fail. Because the only way to fail is to quit, and you’re no quitter, right?

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