Dark Clouds…

Do you like dark clouds, thunderstorms, cracking lighting, and heavy rain? I know some people who do but I’m not a fan because it causes me a lot of anxiety as I’ve gotten older. I’m always fearing the worst like … Read More

6 Reasons For Spending More Time Outdoors

Guest Post by Anita Franco Odds are good you’ve heard being outdoors offers a range of benefits. However, there’s also a good chance no one ever tried to prove it by citing scientific studies. So many of us just accept … Read More

Do You Even Nap?

At a previous gym job, I was getting up at 4.15 am five days a week to open and was sleeping less than 7 hrs. per night. And before you say I should’ve gone to bed earlier; my bedtime was … Read More

The Gut-Brain Connection And How It Works

Guest Post By Emylee John Have you ever been so happy that you feel butterflies in your stomach? Maybe, it was that first feeling of love or getting your dream job or winning an award. Or, have you been in … Read More

Exercise And Mental Health

I don’t mean to start this mental health article out on a downer but a good friend of mine recently took his own life. And he seemed to have it all together. He Was happily married man of 5 years … Read More

Exercising through difficult times

My parents separated when I was 11 years old and during this difficult time, my father used to cry on my shoulder regularly. Picture that for a second, a grown man crying on a boy’s shoulder.  I had no idea how … Read More