How Therapy Transformed My Life

Imagine this: you’re watching one of those intense cop shows where the officer, after a high-stakes incident, is mandated to attend therapy. The officer usually walks in, sits down reluctantly, and it’s a standoff with the therapist. Sound familiar? A … Read More

The Science of Exercise and Mental Health

Note: Lily Rose specially wrote the article. Exercise will improve your mental health. The USA is experiencing a mental health crisis.  As reported on CNN, ongoing public health threats, including racism and gun violence, have only exacerbated numerous social stressors. … Read More

2 Ways To Handle Defeat Better

The word defeat sounds final. That’s it; you lost, someone else won, or you let something get the better of you. Or you wanted to achieve something, and it didn’t work out. Either way, you tasted the bitter pill of … Read More

Progress Is Never In A Straight Line

One of the biggest reasons people quit their health and fitness routines is lack of progress. A significant reason people keep going with their exercise routine is progress. Here is what I mean when talking about progress in the fitness … Read More

How’s Your State of Mental Health?

Ready for your mental health check in? I’m taking a break from my regular programming to talk about your state of mental health. By the way, how is it?  Mine fluctuates from day to day, hour to hour, and sometimes … Read More

Exercise Therapy

Exercise is great for mental health and for some it acts as therapy. No matter what you have going on, doing your favorite exercise puts you in the moment and puts all your troubles in the background.  A lot of … Read More

3 Big Rocks Of Cardio

A while ago, I wrote about the big rocks of fat loss and exercise. I was looking from the 10,000-foot view to let you know what’s important and what’s not. Now I’m doing the same for cardio. If you need … Read More

Mental Health Check In

How’s your state of mental health? Ponder this for a moment. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and it has been since (in the U.S.A) 1949. This month is observed with media, local events, and film screenings and it’s run … Read More

The Ultimate Self-Care Act

Self-care is the latest buzzword. Because if you cannot take care of yourself, how can you care of others? If you’re a parent, caregiver or in a helping profession, it is imperative to take care of yourself the best way … Read More

4 Ways Getting Fit Makes You A Better Parent

Not Just A Better Parent But Better Human Too Getting fit is a selfish endeavor. You start or continue to exercise because you want to look better, move better, and feel better. There is nothing wrong with that because this … Read More