4 Favorite Barbell Exercises For Strength & Muscle

The moment I met the barbell, it was love at first sight, but there was one problem. As a newbie, I had yet to learn what to do with it outside barbell biceps curls. Luckily, I’ve gotten a better idea … Read More

5 Triceps Exercises For Health And Vanity

Although it doesn’t look like it, triceps is one of my favorite muscle groups to train. But before I get into it, here’s a story on how my fascination with this muscle group started. Early one morning I was sitting … Read More

5 Best Pushing Exercises For Beginners

You’ve been ‘pushing’ since you have been born. Pushing yourself off the floor, pushing your brother or sister around or pushing the door shut. Pushing is a movement that’s hotwired into your brain. It’s a movement which comes naturally to … Read More

6 Must Do Exercises- Pushing

The hard part is over. You made it to the gym and that’s usually half the battle.  Now that you’re there, what are you going to do?  This is where a lot of people get stuck but don’t worry, I’ve … Read More

3 Tips To Bust Through Your Plateaus

When the scale or barbell isn’t budging use these 3 tips to bust through your plateaus Note- this is a new and improved version of this article and version also appeared here. This is my edited version. Progress in the … Read More

It’s the little things…………..

When you’re looking to make a change, any change, you usually go big. This is especially true when you’ve hit an exercise plateau and your results have slowed to a crawl.  You may feel the need to do something drastic, … Read More

The right tool for the job

There’s been a lot of fitness fads that have come and gone to separate fools from their money. Please feel free to (mentally) add to this list below Shake weight Thigh master Bowflex Hawaii chair Sorry if you’ve been sucked … Read More

Exercising through difficult times

My parents separated when I was 11 years old and during this difficult time, my father used to cry on my shoulder regularly. Picture that for a second, a grown man crying on a boy’s shoulder.  I had no idea how … Read More

Row, row, row your back

Note-  This article was first published here. This an edited version. I hated P.E. class. I was a skinny, weird and uncoordinated kid. I was the one who got picked on in the changing rooms about my lack of size, … Read More

Matches made in exercise heaven

Note- This was first published here. This is an edited version.  Some things are better together. Like- Peanut butter and jelly Eggs and bacon (granted, almost anything goes with bacon) Scotty Pippen and Michael Jordan Bicep curls and mirrors Each … Read More