My Four Favorite Core Exercises

Many men want a six-pack (and some women), and other women want a slim midsection. Yep, I’m talking about the core, abs, mid-section, torso, or whatever you call it. Before going any further, my definition of ‘the core’ is every … Read More

4 Exercise Mistakes To Avoid

I’m an expert in making exercise mistakes or any mistakes for that matter. Mistakes (as long as I have been training) come with the territory when you’ve been in the exercise game for a long time. And it usually goes … Read More

4 Ways To Exercise Around Injuries

Note- This article is referring to non-serious injuries, like muscle strains, low-grade back, shoulder, and knee pain. This should not be mistaken for medical advice as I do not wear a white coat. Being 51, a former weekend warrior and … Read More

You Don’t Need Fixing

I’ve worked with lots of clients who were in pain and thought they needed fixing. The pain of a sore knee, back, shoulder, hip, or the pain of being overweight can get a person down quick. Because let’s face it, … Read More

4 Joint Friendly Training Methods

If you’re suffering from joint pain, use these 4 joint friendly methods The wear and tear on your joints as you age is real. Whether you’ve lived an active life or not, one of the realities of staying above ground … Read More

5 Desk Exercises to Reduce Body Strain At Home

Do these 5 exercises if you’re working from home Guest post by Nicole Burke The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted our way of life ⁠— how we socialize, do our daily tasks, and even how we work. In fact, Stanford … Read More

3 Exercises To Help Relieve Pain

If you suffer from muscle or joint pain some movement is medicine Pain doesn’t care what kind of day you’re having, whether you’re rich or poor, male, or female. Pain always strikes at the worst time because there is never … Read More

6 Reasons For Spending More Time Outdoors

Guest Post by Anita Franco Odds are good you’ve heard being outdoors offers a range of benefits. However, there’s also a good chance no one ever tried to prove it by citing scientific studies. So many of us just accept … Read More

6 Exercises For Sore Knees

Pain sucks but knee pain is a special kind of suck. You move they hurt, You do nothing they hurt and you go to the gym to train, they hurt. When you have knee pain there is nothing to escape … Read More

Strength Training for Arthritis 101

Note- These is general advice on exercising with arthritis. It doesn’t attempt to differentiate between the different types of arthritis and the pain it causes. If you’ve never strength trained before, please consult your doctor. Our bones (and bodies) are … Read More