How To Make It Work And Overcome Obstacles

Since becoming a personal trainer, I have had to find ways to make it work because we rarely have perfect circumstances to begin anything, including fitness. My first-ever client had third-degree burns on her forearm (and the scars to prove … Read More

5 Best Isolation Exercises For Improved Strength

Before ripping into another article on exercise, let’s clarify what isolation exercises are. Although our bodies never genuinely work in isolation, isolation exercises target one muscle group, like lateral raises for the shoulders. Although the wrist and forearms are involved … Read More

Don’t Let A Past Failure Haunt You

Failures, we all have them. Whether you quit your diet or workout program or fail to reach a goal you’ve wanted so badly, you can taste it. These are basic examples of personal failures, but there is no need to … Read More

The Ultimate Self-Care Act

Self-care is the latest buzzword. Because if you cannot take care of yourself, how can you care of others? If you’re a parent, caregiver or in a helping profession, it is imperative to take care of yourself the best way … Read More

Fix This To Get Fit

This one simple switch could be standing in the way of you getting fit. In a previous post I mentioned you don’t need fixing. Fixing implies something is broken and needs repairing. Seeing I believe the human body is already … Read More