Anniversaries Remind You Of What Matters

I am taking a break from my regular stuff to talk about anniversaries and how each year it stirs emotions. Reading through Facebook, as I often do, people write about friends and family past, what they learned from them, and … Read More

Be A Man

How many times have you heard or uttered the words ‘be a man.’ Probably a few times and before going any further to avoid confusion, here’s my definition of a man.    A dangly organ between your legs. That’s it. Now … Read More

Failure Is The Path

Failure. Let this word sink in a minute. Sounds definitive right? Like the end. You have failed, there is no turning back, no collecting $200 when you pass go and you have to start all over again. And all of … Read More

Father’s Day

Father’s day reflections Being a father of two teenage boys, it’s been a rough 15 months. Not just for me, but for all concerned. Whether or not you believe in the COVID-19 pandemic, you can’t deny the effects it’s had … Read More

5 Lessons I Learned From Coaching My Sons

Coaching Son’s Is One Of The Hardest Roles For A Dad Being a father to two teenage boys means you take on many roles like role model, caregiver, servant, and plumber. Plumber you ask. I’ve had to unblock a few … Read More

Sins Of The Father

It’s been 28 years since my father died and a lot has happened since then. Like being married for almost 20 years and bringing up two boys. Being a father combined with the recent anniversary of my dad’s death has … Read More

The pantry is my enemy

When you were a child, you could almost eat anything and not put on a single pound. No matter what time of the day, you’d raid the pantry and shove some sugary goodness down your throat. Did I say you? … Read More

Fatherhood, fitness and faith

A couple best days of my life have been the birth of my 2 boys. They’re the gifts that keep on giving. And giving and giving… From 2005-2009, I was a stay-at-home father, before it was cool, like it is … Read More