Game Changer Coaching

Let me paint this picture of “brutal” coaching. In the unforgiving heat and humidity of North Texas, my football coach was making the team run sprint repeats at the end of practice. As you can imagine, we were all thrilled, and no … Read More

3 Ways Therapy Has Made Me a Better Coach

You see it in cop shows after an officer-involved shooting when the cop is mandated to go to therapy. The cop is almost always reluctant to go, and when they do go, it’s usually a standoff with the therapist, and … Read More

How To Know When You Need Coaching

Now, this is not a coaching plug for my services because this is not about me but you the reader. However, if you want to know about my services you can contact me here. This is for if or when … Read More

The Comparison Game Part II

Almost two years ago, I wrote the comparison game at the height of COVID 19 because I was sick and tired of clients downplaying their achievements. When someone does their best, breaks a PR, or gets a new promotion, they’re … Read More

Failure Is The Path

Failure. Let this word sink in a minute. Sounds definitive right? Like the end. You have failed, there is no turning back, no collecting $200 when you pass go and you have to start all over again. And all of … Read More

Meet In The Middle

This was originally posted here. This is an edited version. Remember when you used to meet up with a friend and you would meet in the middle? They didn’t want to go all the way over to your house and … Read More

21 Tidbits From 2021

21 tidbits from 2021 is a catchy title don’t you think? Because if you like it, please read on and if you don’t, well you are dead to me. 😊 When people write self-reflective articles about what they have learned … Read More

4 Ways To Get Accountability

A big reason clients keep personal trainers around is accountability. It’s not because of the trainers’ dress sense, knowledge, programming skills or sparking personality. It’s the fact the client pays for their sessions, schedules their sessions, and to have someone … Read More

10 Tips To Make Your Fitness Easier

Fitness is my job, passion, and profession. It is easy for me to maintain or improve my fitness because it’s part of my DNA. But that’s not the case for everyone and maybe even you. For some it’s difficult will … Read More

Are You Willing To Do This?

It’s unusual to start an article off with a question but hey, it’s my blog and I’ll ask if I want to. Are you willing to do this? What is this I’m referring to? Well, if I told you now … Read More