Game Changer Coaching

Let me paint this picture of “brutal” coaching. In the unforgiving heat and humidity of North Texas, my football coach was making the team run sprint repeats at the end of practice. As you can imagine, we were all thrilled, and no … Read More

Enjoy The Journey (And The Destination)

An old saying has been bouncing around in my large noggin for a while: enjoy the journey. It’s pretty prevalent in the health and fitness industry because of goal setting and reaching goals that the client wants. There are a … Read More

The Hidden Benefit Of Strength

Physical strength is a wonderful thing, and it is hard to get because you have to push your body beyond what you think it is capable of. Picking up, putting down weight, and lifting above your head does not tickle. … Read More

3 Ways Therapy Has Made Me a Better Coach

You see it in cop shows after an officer-involved shooting when the cop is mandated to go to therapy. The cop is almost always reluctant to go, and when they do go, it’s usually a standoff with the therapist, and … Read More

Crossing The Line

Crossing the line means going beyond accepted limits or standards of behavior. Like When criticism crosses the line from being helpful to hurtful. The fine line between joking and being offensive. When someone ‘invades” your personal space. Any form of … Read More

Making It Work

Making it work is the key to your health and fitness consistency Hardly ever are you presented with a perfect set of circumstances to start or continue anything worthwhile, and exercise is definitely one of those things. There are obstacles … Read More

How To Know When You Need Coaching

Now, this is not a coaching plug for my services because this is not about me but you the reader. However, if you want to know about my services you can contact me here. This is for if or when … Read More

Exercise For The Stay-At-Home-Parent

Being a stay-at-home parent is the toughest and most rewarding job there is. But it is a job all the same. The hours are not 9-5 more like 24/7 and this makes a lot of things tough including exercise. You … Read More

Failure Is The Path

Failure. Let this word sink in a minute. Sounds definitive right? Like the end. You have failed, there is no turning back, no collecting $200 when you pass go and you have to start all over again. And all of … Read More

Meet In The Middle

This was originally posted here. This is an edited version. Remember when you used to meet up with a friend and you would meet in the middle? They didn’t want to go all the way over to your house and … Read More