The Ultimate Road Warrior Workout

Being a personal trainer makes me a freak for workouts. Finding a way to get it done is imperative, whether outside, inside, or on the road, when it’s time to get it on. Working out is easy when you have … Read More

5 Best Isolation Exercises For Improved Strength

Before ripping into another article on exercise, let’s clarify what isolation exercises are. Although our bodies never genuinely work in isolation, isolation exercises target one muscle group, like lateral raises for the shoulders. Although the wrist and forearms are involved … Read More

4 Ways To Exercise When You’re Sick

I’m NOT talking about being sick in the head, insane in the membrane, or having a screw loose. Although I’ve been accused of this a time or two because of my obsession with Chuck Norris. But I and Chuck are … Read More

5 Triceps Exercises For Health And Vanity

Although it doesn’t look like it, triceps is one of my favorite muscle groups to train. But before I get into it, here’s a story on how my fascination with this muscle group started. Early one morning I was sitting … Read More

Get Back In The Saddle E-Book

Now You Can Regain Your Fitness and Feel More Confident in Just 6 Weeks Without Stepping into a Gym, Even if You’ve Tried and Failed Before –——————————————————————————————————————- Unlock the Secret to Effortless Weight Loss and Improved Mobility from Home with … Read More

Exercising With Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a cheaper alternative when money is tight Recently, I’ve been in the market for more dumbbells and weight plates for Outback Performance and two things struck me. One there’s not much in stock and two, what’s there … Read More

Strength Training for Arthritis 101

Note- These is general advice on exercising with arthritis. It doesn’t attempt to differentiate between the different types of arthritis and the pain it causes. If you’ve never strength trained before, please consult your doctor. Our bones (and bodies) are … Read More

Client Spotlight- Overcoming obstacles

Note- This person wishes to remain anonymous, so his name is changed. Recently, Mike hired me to help him lose weight, help ease his chronic pain and to improve his health. Nothing earth shattering here, because most people hire personal … Read More

The right tool for the job

There’s been a lot of fitness fads that have come and gone to separate fools from their money. Please feel free to (mentally) add to this list below Shake weight Thigh master Bowflex Hawaii chair Sorry if you’ve been sucked … Read More

Stressed? You should do this

There is two certainties in life, death and taxes. However, when you’re older, you can add stress to that list too. Stress (bad stress in particular) is something you encounter regularly at work, home or on the road. For example, … Read More