4 Favorite Barbell Exercises For Strength & Muscle

The moment I met the barbell, it was love at first sight, but there was one problem. As a newbie, I had yet to learn what to do with it outside barbell biceps curls. Luckily, I’ve gotten a better idea … Read More

2 Ways To Reduce Muscle Imbalances

When you look at yourself in the mirror, have you noticed one muscle is bigger than the other? Or have you seen one side holding you back while exercising? Then, you may have a muscle imbalance. These are not a … Read More

Do You Have Training Gaps?

Finding and working on your training gaps will improve you in and out of the gym. If you have ever been on the underground rail system in London, you are probably familiar with this prerecorded message. “Mind the gap. Please … Read More

5 Best Isolation Exercises For Improved Strength

Before ripping into another article on exercise, let’s clarify what isolation exercises are. Although our bodies never genuinely work in isolation, isolation exercises target one muscle group, like lateral raises for the shoulders. Although the wrist and forearms are involved … Read More

Use Power Training To Maintain Gains

Ahh, well, it’s sneaking up on the holiday season, and the number one excuse for not exercising becomes more valid. Yep, the old-time reason for not having any time. But what if I told you there is a simple way … Read More

The Best Triset For Your Next Workout

That’s quite a claim. The best three exercises (triset) for your workout, but don’t worry because I will back it up with my opinion. My opinion is backed up by 14 years of training clients, writing thousands of workout programs, … Read More

4 Exercises For Better Hip Mobility

Have you ever heard of the saying, ‘It’s all in the hips?’ Or maybe you heard the hip (mobility) doesn’t lie. Anyhow, this applies to the gym and many activities of daily living. Having and developing better hip mobility means … Read More

4 Lateral Exercises You Should Be Doing

What are lateral exercises? Think lateral shoulder raises when you raise your arm to the side. Lateral exercises have you moving in the frontal (lateral or side-on) plane, working your muscles from a different direction. Why is this important? Because … Read More

3 Ways To Progress Without Adding Weight

The main thing of the strength training game is progress, you know getting stronger. And the best way to do it is to add weight to the bar for the same or more reps. The body gets stronger and you’re … Read More

3 Ways to Reduce Muscle Soreness

Waking up the next morning with muscle soreness is not one of my favorite things. Getting out of bed early in the morning, getting up and down from the throne, and bending over to tie my shoes hurt. All the … Read More