The Power Of Small

Do you remember a few years ago when the UPS delivery service catchphrase was the power of brown? Now, the color brown ( if you have a filthy mind like me) could be mistaken for something else. Yeah, I feel … Read More

The Quick-Fix Solution

When it comes to weight loss, some search for a quick-fix solution without rhyme or reason Here is a fair warning. If you don’t like opinionated articles with little based on facts, then stop reading. I’d rather we stay friends … Read More

A Change Will Do You Good

You Exercise For Change, So You May Need To Change Other Things For Success Do you recognize the headline? It’s an older song by Sheryl Crow, released in 1996, and I was a real fan of hers and this song … Read More

It’s Not Where You Start That Counts

Most races have a start and finish. Does the starting line matter after you finish? No, not really, because you and your loved ones don’t care where you started, only that you finished. The start was only the beginning of … Read More

If You Have The Will There Is A Way

There are many meanings of the word will. The one referenced here is not I will,  last will and testament, God’s will, or imposing your will on someone else. The will I’m referring to is the will you have inside … Read More

21 Tidbits From 2021

21 tidbits from 2021 is a catchy title don’t you think? Because if you like it, please read on and if you don’t, well you are dead to me. 😊 When people write self-reflective articles about what they have learned … Read More

How To Start Exercise Again

Here are a few tips to start your exercise again and stick to it. Ah, this is the time of year when people fill the gyms to start exercising…..again. Yes, it is the New Year in all its glory. Now … Read More

Not Another New Year’s Resolutions Post

Are you a fan of making New Year’s resolutions?   If you are, stop reading because I might upset you and don’t want to do that. This is not an anti-New Years’ resolution post, far from it. It’s just I’m … Read More

3 Ways To Be More Consistent With Exercise

To get better at something or to achieve your goals the word consistent comes up a lot. You need to do it often because you cannot start, stop then start. Or start, avoid it for a while and then get … Read More

Doing The HARD Things

Doing the hard things is not usually fun. Like getting out of bed when you’re sleepy. Or going to a job you don’t like much or dieting and not eating your favorite foods to get rid of a few pounds. … Read More