Fix Your Pressing Issues With The Floor Press

Fixing your pressing issues with the floor press is a witty headline, don’t you think? Or maybe it’s me, but regardless of your thoughts, the floor press is important when you take your strength seriously. It’s an exercise often in … Read More

5 Best Isolation Exercises For Improved Strength

Before ripping into another article on exercise, let’s clarify what isolation exercises are. Although our bodies never genuinely work in isolation, isolation exercises target one muscle group, like lateral raises for the shoulders. Although the wrist and forearms are involved … Read More

Reaching For Shoulder Health

Remember when you were a child, and the candy jar was just out of reach, and you risked life and limb reaching for it? If you knew swear words back then, I bet you would’ve called your parents a few … Read More

4 Exercises For Better Shoulder Health & Mobility

A muscle starts at your shoulder blades and wraps about the front of your ribcage, which plays a vital role in shoulder health and mobility. Do you know what it is? If you guessed Serratus Anterior, you could pick up … Read More

Posture Strength Training 101

Posture isn’t a big deal until it is. There are a ton of experts much more knowledgeable than me who will tell you poor posture is NOT a big deal and they’re right. But improving your posture or keeping up … Read More

5 Best Pushing Exercises For Beginners

You’ve been ‘pushing’ since you have been born. Pushing yourself off the floor, pushing your brother or sister around or pushing the door shut. Pushing is a movement that’s hotwired into your brain. It’s a movement which comes naturally to … Read More

5 Best Pulling Exercises For Beginners

The Best Core Exercises For The Beginner Here The Best Squat For The Beginner Here Pulling exercises and movements work the important muscles you DON’T see.    When you were a child and learning how to walk you probably pulled … Read More

Do (what works for) you………

In fitness as in life, there are no absolutes. However, according to the so-called fitness influencers on social media or broadcast media you must do A, B, C to get X, Y and Z. Because if it works for them, … Read More

Restore your push (up)

Let’s take a trip in the way back machine back to your high school P.E class. You probably don’t want to relive these memories (I know I don’t) but bear with me for a moment. If your class was anything … Read More

The carry cure

Note- This post first appeared here.  This is the unedited version.  At first glance, the farmer’s carry seems simple. You pick up a heavy weight and walk. However, when you’re performing this (You do, right?) you come to the quick … Read More