Fix Your Pressing Issues With The Floor Press

Fixing your pressing issues with the floor press is a witty headline, don’t you think? Or maybe it’s me, but regardless of your thoughts, the floor press is important when you take your strength seriously. It’s an exercise often in … Read More

Do You Even Deadbug

Deadbug benefits and three variations to take it to the next level There’s no need for fancy, complicated exercises even though they look cool, and there is no need to twist yourself up into knots either. All you need is … Read More

4 Floor Exercises To Get You Stronger

Being on the floor is how you learned to move around as a baby and returning to the floor will help you get stronger.   Exercising on the floor provides you with stability,  instant feedback, and a reduced range of … Read More

4 Joint Friendly Training Methods

If you’re suffering from joint pain, use these 4 joint friendly methods The wear and tear on your joints as you age is real. Whether you’ve lived an active life or not, one of the realities of staying above ground … Read More

3 Exercises To Help Relieve Pain

If you suffer from muscle or joint pain some movement is medicine Pain doesn’t care what kind of day you’re having, whether you’re rich or poor, male, or female. Pain always strikes at the worst time because there is never … Read More