My Four Favorite Core Exercises

Many men want a six-pack (and some women), and other women want a slim midsection. Yep, I’m talking about the core, abs, mid-section, torso, or whatever you call it. Before going any further, my definition of ‘the core’ is every … Read More

2 Ways To Reduce Muscle Imbalances

When you look at yourself in the mirror, have you noticed one muscle is bigger than the other? Or have you seen one side holding you back while exercising? Then, you may have a muscle imbalance. These are not a … Read More

Carry Yourself To Health With The Farmers’ Carry

Farmers’ carry is one of those head-scratching exercises. It looks simple because you’re carrying weight in your hands. How hard can that be? If you keep reading, you’ll find out. There are muscles it works besides your hands because you’re … Read More

Can You Get Strong Training Once A Week?

It’s a question that’s been bouncing around in my big noggin: can you get strong working out once a week? This topic is not new, but in this day and age when people are more time-crunched than ever, it is … Read More

The Forgotten System

Odds on, you haven’t given much thought to this system when you’re crushing your 5th set of biceps curls while making faces in the mirror because curls don’t count unless done in front of a mirror. But without it, lifting … Read More

5 Unilateral Exercises For Strength And Sexiness

Here Are My Favorite Unilateral Exercises For Strength & Vanity When it comes to people who want to hire other personal trainers or me, one of their main goals is sexiness. They want to lose fat, put on muscle, and … Read More

Do You Even Deadbug

Deadbug benefits and three variations to take it to the next level There’s no need for fancy, complicated exercises even though they look cool, and there is no need to twist yourself up into knots either. All you need is … Read More

My 4 Favorite Stability Ball Exercises

Have you seen those big round stability balls at the gym or a sporting goods store? They look like oversized beach balls but believe it or not; the stability ball is a great tool to improve your balance and strengthen … Read More

5 Reasons Why The Bird Dog Is The Bomb

Certain non-negotiables in exercise are near and dear to my heart, with the bird dog being one of them. What the heck is that? Is it a cross between a bird and a dog? Don’t worry; I’ll get into that … Read More

4 Grip Strength Exercises To Improve Your Life

Recently, after returning from Australia and getting back into training, I discovered my grip strength had decreased. Heavy things that were not hard to grip before almost seemed impossible to do when I got back. Grip strength is a use-it-or-lose-it … Read More