Fix Your Pressing Issues With The Floor Press

Fixing your pressing issues with the floor press is a witty headline, don’t you think? Or maybe it’s me, but regardless of your thoughts, the floor press is important when you take your strength seriously. It’s an exercise often in … Read More

2 Ways To Reduce Muscle Imbalances

When you look at yourself in the mirror, have you noticed one muscle is bigger than the other? Or have you seen one side holding you back while exercising? Then, you may have a muscle imbalance. These are not a … Read More

5 Unilateral Exercises For Strength And Sexiness

Here Are My Favorite Unilateral Exercises For Strength & Vanity When it comes to people who want to hire other personal trainers or me, one of their main goals is sexiness. They want to lose fat, put on muscle, and … Read More

4 Floor Exercises To Get You Stronger

Being on the floor is how you learned to move around as a baby and returning to the floor will help you get stronger.   Exercising on the floor provides you with stability,  instant feedback, and a reduced range of … Read More

4 Considerations For The Middle-Age Exerciser

A while ago I wrote this popular article on exercise considerations for older adults. Now I’m taking a crack at the middle-age exerciser because I’m right there at 51. Not exactly old but no spring chicken either. There are things I … Read More

5 Best Pushing Exercises For Beginners

You’ve been ‘pushing’ since you have been born. Pushing yourself off the floor, pushing your brother or sister around or pushing the door shut. Pushing is a movement that’s hotwired into your brain. It’s a movement which comes naturally to … Read More

6 Unilateral Exercises For Balanced Strength

Unilateral exercises are essential for strength. When I started lifting weights, strength wasn’t even on my radar. I wanted to put on slabs of muscle to help me with the women and to make me harder to push around. Just … Read More