4 Landmine Exercises For A Sexier You

If you were to think literally, the words landmine exercises seem strange. A landmine, taken at face value, means something to be feared because if someone stepped on one, you know what would happen next. But the word landmine means … Read More

My Four Favorite Core Exercises

Many men want a six-pack (and some women), and other women want a slim midsection. Yep, I’m talking about the core, abs, mid-section, torso, or whatever you call it. Before going any further, my definition of ‘the core’ is every … Read More

Carry Yourself To Health With The Farmers’ Carry

Farmers’ carry is one of those head-scratching exercises. It looks simple because you’re carrying weight in your hands. How hard can that be? If you keep reading, you’ll find out. There are muscles it works besides your hands because you’re … Read More

Do You Even Deadbug

Deadbug benefits and three variations to take it to the next level There’s no need for fancy, complicated exercises even though they look cool, and there is no need to twist yourself up into knots either. All you need is … Read More

My 4 Favorite Stability Ball Exercises

Have you seen those big round stability balls at the gym or a sporting goods store? They look like oversized beach balls but believe it or not; the stability ball is a great tool to improve your balance and strengthen … Read More

5 Reasons Why The Bird Dog Is The Bomb

Certain non-negotiables in exercise are near and dear to my heart, with the bird dog being one of them. What the heck is that? Is it a cross between a bird and a dog? Don’t worry; I’ll get into that … Read More

Get Down on Your Knees (Kneeling) For Gains

Getting down on your knees and kneeling (maybe asking) for forgiveness shouldn’t be the only time you’re on your knees. Now if you are thinking what I’m thinking,  stop now. This is NOT the subject of this article. This is … Read More

5 Reasons To Do The Pallof Press

The Pallof press doesn’t look like much. You stand side on to resistance band or cable machine, and you press in and out while keeping your torso front-on. But like a lot of things in life, there is more than … Read More

Your Daily Movement Prescription

Do one or more of these five movements daily to keep yourself in tip-top shape Movement doesn’t stop after you leave the gym. After all, the human body was made to move. The benefits of daily movement are numerous for … Read More

You Are A Machine

The Best Machine For Cardio Is You There’s a temptation to head straight to the cardio machines when wanting to get a sweat on. And there’s nothing wrong with it because all movement is good movement. There are great benefits … Read More