Paying Your Dues

Paying your dues is to earn something through hard work, experience, or suffering. For example, they worked countless hours at the gym and faced numerous setbacks before finally achieving their marathon goal. Earning what they’re striving for requires time and … Read More

Success Against The Odds

You probably know the bible story of David’s success against all odds against Goliath. Here’s Goliath, all 9 ft 9 of him armed and armored to the teeth and never been defeated, going against David, a shepherd boy armed with … Read More

Enjoy The Journey (And The Destination)

An old saying has been bouncing around in my large noggin for a while: enjoy the journey. It’s pretty prevalent in the health and fitness industry because of goal setting and reaching goals that the client wants. There are a … Read More

Forget The Big Picture

Many clients come to me ( and other personal trainers) with big-picture goals. Guess what they might be? If you guessed, fat loss, get sexy, wanna see your muscles again, get attention from their partner, or get back at an … Read More

Do You Need To Reset Your Priorities?

Ahh, it’s coming to the end of the year, when we eat and drink, sometimes too much, and start thinking about New Year’s resolutions and maybe resetting some priorities. Probably the most broken resolutions are the ones to do with … Read More

Breathing To Sleep And Digest Food Better

Guest Post By Cristian Plascencia Something you do every second of your living life is often overlooked and under-appreciated. And breathing is one of those things. Your breath is a habitual, rhythmic routine that sustains your life. Breathing has the … Read More

4 Ways To Get Accountability

A big reason clients keep personal trainers around is accountability. It’s not because of the trainers’ dress sense, knowledge, programming skills or sparking personality. It’s the fact the client pays for their sessions, schedules their sessions, and to have someone … Read More

6 Ways To Reach Your Fitness Goals

You just set your fitness goal. Congratulations. You’ve made a fantastic step to make this health and fitness stick. Now comes the hard part, the process of achieving your goals. This is where a lot of people get stuck because … Read More