Why Mobility Is Still Sexy

Good mobility and the ability to move freely without limitations are pillars of a healthy life. As we age, it becomes essential to maintain this ability without limitations and pain. Undoubtedly, we get stiffer and less mobile as we age. … Read More

Your Daily Movement Prescription

Do one or more of these five movements daily to keep yourself in tip-top shape Movement doesn’t stop after you leave the gym. After all, the human body was made to move. The benefits of daily movement are numerous for … Read More

4 Considerations For The Middle-Age Exerciser

A while ago I wrote this popular article on exercise considerations for older adults. Now I’m taking a crack at the middle-age exerciser because I’m right there at 51. Not exactly old but no spring chicken either. There are things I … Read More

5 Mobility Exercises For Better Movement

5 mobility exercises to get you rocking and rolling When you were a child, movement came naturally, and even without thinking you could run, jump, bike, and sprint. You were a constant blur of movement. Now, as you have gotten … Read More

4 Ways To Exercise When You’re Sick

I’m NOT talking about being sick in the head, insane in the membrane, or having a screw loose. Although I’ve been accused of this a time or two because of my obsession with Chuck Norris. But I and Chuck are … Read More

10 Tips To Make Your Fitness Easier

Fitness is my job, passion, and profession. It is easy for me to maintain or improve my fitness because it’s part of my DNA. But that’s not the case for everyone and maybe even you. For some it’s difficult will … Read More

6 Must Do Exercises Part Six – Groundwork

The hard part is over. You made it to the gym and that’s usually half the battle.  Now that you’re there, what are you going to do?  This is where a lot of people get stuck but don’t worry, I’ve … Read More

Keeping It Simple

Keeping it simple makes exercise easier You know the book (Insert Subject Here) For Dummies? It breaks down a subject into its simplest form to understand a subject better. People who haven’t been blessed with all the smarts are able … Read More

4 Ways To Exercise When You Don’t Want To

There’s been many times when I’ve talked or almost talked myself out of exercising. You know the drill. You know you need to exercise to look sexy (or whatever other goal you have) but you and your inner voice is … Read More

3 Ways To Exercise For Reducing Stress

There are three certainties in life, death, taxes, and stress. And due to the COVID-19 pandemic, stress is something we are all now intimately familiar with. It’s there, in the background, ready to jump up and bite you when you … Read More