My Four Favorite Core Exercises

Many men want a six-pack (and some women), and other women want a slim midsection. Yep, I’m talking about the core, abs, mid-section, torso, or whatever you call it. Before going any further, my definition of ‘the core’ is every … Read More

My 4 Favorite Stability Ball Exercises

Have you seen those big round stability balls at the gym or a sporting goods store? They look like oversized beach balls but believe it or not; the stability ball is a great tool to improve your balance and strengthen … Read More

5 Reasons Why The Bird Dog Is The Bomb

Certain non-negotiables in exercise are near and dear to my heart, with the bird dog being one of them. What the heck is that? Is it a cross between a bird and a dog? Don’t worry; I’ll get into that … Read More

5 Best Core Exercises For Beginners

The Best Squat For The Beginner Here The Best Back Exercise For The Beginner Here When I was a training beginner, I didn’t know what the core was. I thought it was a six-pack and nothing else. Now after exercising … Read More

How to train the ‘core’ for real life

How many times have you scrolled through a social media feed admiring all those fitness models with a great looking midsections doing really cool core exercises? It’s not like I’ve ever done it. 😊 You think if it works for … Read More

New Year Fitness Tips

The gym is full of people around the new year who are trying to make good on their New Year’s resolutions. They come in like a blaze of glory, thinking a year’s worth of inactivity is made up for in … Read More

Matches made in exercise heaven

Note- This was first published here. This is an edited version.  Some things are better together. Like- Peanut butter and jelly Eggs and bacon (granted, almost anything goes with bacon) Scotty Pippen and Michael Jordan Bicep curls and mirrors Each … Read More

Reclaim your waist line with 5 simple moves

After you polish off your second side of fries and the guilt sets in, you finally resolve to go the gym to work on your waist line. If it’s been a while since you’ve hit the gym and you’re thinking … Read More

The Best Exercise You’re Not Doing

This is a series on exercises that will give you the biggest bang for your exercise buck in and outside of the gym. Today’s exercise is side planks with breathing courtesy of Matthew Ibrahim. You should do this because–  it’s … Read More

The 10 Best Exercises You Can Do With One Dumbbell

Imagine this scenario for a moment. You walk into the gym ready to get it on and it’s packed and most of the equipment is taken. What do you do? Panic? I have a suggestion besides panicking. Instead grab a … Read More