My Four Favorite Core Exercises

Many men want a six-pack (and some women), and other women want a slim midsection. Yep, I’m talking about the core, abs, mid-section, torso, or whatever you call it. Before going any further, my definition of ‘the core’ is every … Read More

2 Ways To Reduce Muscle Imbalances

When you look at yourself in the mirror, have you noticed one muscle is bigger than the other? Or have you seen one side holding you back while exercising? Then, you may have a muscle imbalance. These are not a … Read More

4 Forearm Exercises To Open The Pickle Jar

Do you remember the cartoon Popeye and how he would get a popping forearm by eating a can of spinach? Now, I’m really showing my age. It would be great if it were that easy to get big and strong … Read More

4 Exercises For Better Hip Mobility

Have you ever heard of the saying, ‘It’s all in the hips?’ Or maybe you heard the hip (mobility) doesn’t lie. Anyhow, this applies to the gym and many activities of daily living. Having and developing better hip mobility means … Read More

4 Lateral Exercises You Should Be Doing

What are lateral exercises? Think lateral shoulder raises when you raise your arm to the side. Lateral exercises have you moving in the frontal (lateral or side-on) plane, working your muscles from a different direction. Why is this important? Because … Read More

3 Exercises For Healthier Hamstrings

On a personal note, I have strained my hamstrings more times than I care to remember, but one time stands out among all others. I once jumped into a pool to make a huge splash during a summer vacation a … Read More

6 Exercises To Make The Warm-Up Great Again

Working in commercial gyms, I saw many weird and wonderful things, including the lack of a warm-up or taking it too far and turning it into a circus sideshow. Guys would literally come off the street, slap a few plates … Read More

4 Ways To Exercise Around Injuries

Note- This article is referring to non-serious injuries, like muscle strains, low-grade back, shoulder, and knee pain. This should not be mistaken for medical advice as I do not wear a white coat. Being 51, a former weekend warrior and … Read More

5 Mobility Exercises For Better Movement

5 mobility exercises to get you rocking and rolling When you were a child, movement came naturally, and even without thinking you could run, jump, bike, and sprint. You were a constant blur of movement. Now, as you have gotten … Read More

6 Unilateral Exercises For Balanced Strength

Unilateral exercises are essential for strength. When I started lifting weights, strength wasn’t even on my radar. I wanted to put on slabs of muscle to help me with the women and to make me harder to push around. Just … Read More