The Secret Sauce

I’m old enough to remember when they used to call the sauce on the Big Mac the secret sauce, or was it the special sauce? Anyhow, I’m showing my age. When making waves in the world or cooking up a … Read More

Where Are Your Cheerleaders?

When talking about cheerleaders, let me clarify one thing from the start. It’s not the cheerleaders on the sideline at sporting events who are waving their poms-poms around and chanting. Here, I’m referring to your personal support network, which you … Read More

Fitness’s Secret Enemy

Health and fitness has a low bar for entry, but the secret enemy stops many people in their tracks before they even get started. Becoming or staying healthy and fit is simple (but usually challenging). Pick up a weight or … Read More

Persistence: The Neglected Fitness Trait

There’s a fine line between persistence and stubbornness, but more on that later. Before going further, here’s a definition of persistence to get things straight between us. The two definitions you’re concerned with are. Firm or obstinate continuance in a … Read More

Developing Unwavering Consistency

You should know that to get good at anything; you need to do it over and over again, you know, consistency. Stopping for a while, starting, and stopping usually don’t cut it unless you are a freak of nature who … Read More

The Perfect Time…….

The perfect time to start. Does it even exist? I think most of you probably know the answer to this question. But why do so many of us wait around until all our ducks are in a row so that … Read More

How To Start Exercise Again

Here are a few tips to start your exercise again and stick to it. Ah, this is the time of year when people fill the gyms to start exercising…..again. Yes, it is the New Year in all its glory. Now … Read More

3 Ways To Be More Consistent With Exercise

To get better at something or to achieve your goals the word consistent comes up a lot. You need to do it often because you cannot start, stop then start. Or start, avoid it for a while and then get … Read More

5 Traits For Fitness Success

For a large part of the world as of June 2020, fitness is the furthest thing from a lot of people’s minds. Sheltering in place, trying to survive, having enough money to eat and pay the bills and avoid getting … Read More

5 Simple Ways To Start Losing Fat

Oh, it’s the start of the New Year when the stampede to the gym begins. People want to knock off all those unwanted pounds to make their new year’s resolutions a reality. Most people start with the greatest of intentions … Read More