Do You Have Training Gaps?

Finding and working on your training gaps will improve you in and out of the gym. If you have ever been on the underground rail system in London, you are probably familiar with this prerecorded message. “Mind the gap. Please … Read More

3 Ways To Beat Procrastination

If Procrastination were an Olympic Sport, I’d be a perennial gold medalist; seriously, do you feel it? That would be the perfect opportunity to go all Jackson 5 on you because, you know, it’s the Jackson Five, but I’ll refrain. … Read More

5 Best Isolation Exercises For Improved Strength

Before ripping into another article on exercise, let’s clarify what isolation exercises are. Although our bodies never genuinely work in isolation, isolation exercises target one muscle group, like lateral raises for the shoulders. Although the wrist and forearms are involved … Read More

Where Are Your Cheerleaders?

When talking about cheerleaders, let me clarify one thing from the start. It’s not the cheerleaders on the sideline at sporting events who are waving their poms-poms around and chanting. Here, I’m referring to your personal support network, which you … Read More

Reaching For Shoulder Health

Remember when you were a child, and the candy jar was just out of reach, and you risked life and limb reaching for it? If you knew swear words back then, I bet you would’ve called your parents a few … Read More

Healing For Better Health And Fitness

 The words heal and healing get thrown around a bit, especially after an awful tragedy is played out on our TV screens. But what does healing and the healing process mean? Let’s consult the Google Dictionary. 1.     Become … Read More

3 Methods To Make Workouts Efficient & Effective

We all have the same 24 hours a day, and many people have the same excuse for not exercising time or lack of it. The problem solver in me wants to come up with a solution for this. Now, I … Read More

Fitness’s Secret Enemy

Health and fitness has a low bar for entry, but the secret enemy stops many people in their tracks before they even get started. Becoming or staying healthy and fit is simple (but usually challenging). Pick up a weight or … Read More

A Foolproof Workout For The New Year

I’m going to resist the New Year New You refrain.   Well, whoops, I did it again. The amount of people who pick up the New Year fitness habit and then in a month, poof, it is gone. The advice that … Read More

Go Against The Grain

During woodworking class at my high school back when the dinosaurs stomped around the earth, I was told to sand with the grain of the wood. Going against the wood grain would scratch the surface and leave it with a … Read More