Trust The Process

Trust the process is a key factor with your health & fitness Results are paramount in my profession and when clients are not seeing the results they’d like, their trainer will sometimes utter the words ‘trust the process.’ But what … Read More

Are You Willing To Do This?

It’s unusual to start an article off with a question but hey, it’s my blog and I’ll ask if I want to. Are you willing to do this? What is this I’m referring to? Well, if I told you now … Read More

You Don’t Need Fixing

I’ve worked with lots of clients who were in pain and thought they needed fixing. The pain of a sore knee, back, shoulder, hip, or the pain of being overweight can get a person down quick. Because let’s face it, … Read More

It’s My Birthday And I’ll Write If I Want To

Here’s is what I’ve learnt from lifting weights for 30 years For 12 years of my 51 birthdays stomping around this earth have been spent telling people what to do while wearing tracksuit pants and drinking excessive amounts of coffee. … Read More

Need to Get Back In Shape? Start here

Okay, you’re at the gym. Finally, you’ve been procrastinating but you made it. And today is the day you’ll start getting back in shape. Because your doctor told you to either lose weight improve your health reduce cholesterol strengthen your … Read More

Coaching Boundaries

When does personal training become too personal and crosses boundaries? There are boundaries that are seen and unseen. Obvious ones are the boundaries on the sporting field when the ball is out, or the play is dead. Not so obvious … Read More

What Is Personal Training?

And what personal training isn’t Admitting you need help with something you can do yourself, like exercise is difficult. You’ve either tried and failed beforehand, facing a lot of obstacles or you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Or … Read More

Exercise Can Save Your Life

And not in the way you’re thinking Exercise will do a lot for you IF you do it. Exercise will:  prevents a myriad of diseases  helps you fit into your favorite pair of pants  provides legal stress relief  helps you … Read More

Why Outback Performance?

Gyms are a dime a dozen. During my time as a personal trainer, I’ve worked in my fair share. Personal trainers see gyms a little differently because it’s a unique workplace but also a place to ‘workout.’     I’m assuming which … Read More

Client Spotlight- Consistency

Note- Her name is changed to protect her identity. You could have the best training program in the world, hire the best coaches or you could throw a bunch of money at your health but none of this matters if … Read More