3 Non-Negotiable Exercises For Healthy Aging

Don’t non-negotiable exercises sound like they are my way or the highway? Well, it’s my blog, and I’ll write what I want, but you should know exercise is non-negotiable. The vanity, physical, and mental benefits of raising a sweat and … Read More

The Best Triset For Your Next Workout

That’s quite a claim. The best three exercises (triset) for your workout, but don’t worry because I will back it up with my opinion. My opinion is backed up by 14 years of training clients, writing thousands of workout programs, … Read More

(Farmer’s)Carry Weight Lose Fat

3 Farmer’s Carry Workouts For Improved Fat Loss Farmer’s carries have been around since the dawn of time even before gyms were even invented and that’s a long time.  Longer than CrossFit has been around. Please just don’t tell a … Read More

Posture Strength Training 101

Posture isn’t a big deal until it is. There are a ton of experts much more knowledgeable than me who will tell you poor posture is NOT a big deal and they’re right. But improving your posture or keeping up … Read More

6 Best Strength Exercises For Beginners

Here are the six best strength training exercises for beginners We know strength training improves you inside and out but if you’re a training beginner, where do you begin? With a wealth of advice on the internet and from gym … Read More

5 Best Core Exercises For Beginners

The Best Squat For The Beginner Here The Best Back Exercise For The Beginner Here When I was a training beginner, I didn’t know what the core was. I thought it was a six-pack and nothing else. Now after exercising … Read More

6 Unilateral Exercises For Balanced Strength

Unilateral exercises are essential for strength. When I started lifting weights, strength wasn’t even on my radar. I wanted to put on slabs of muscle to help me with the women and to make me harder to push around. Just … Read More

Keeping It Simple

Keeping it simple makes exercise easier You know the book (Insert Subject Here) For Dummies? It breaks down a subject into its simplest form to understand a subject better. People who haven’t been blessed with all the smarts are able … Read More

How to train the ‘core’ for real life

How many times have you scrolled through a social media feed admiring all those fitness models with a great looking midsections doing really cool core exercises? It’s not like I’ve ever done it. 😊 You think if it works for … Read More

Am I doing this right?

There’s a reason low-cost gym(s) has weight machines as far as the eye can see. These machines are easy to use because the directions (usually) are right there beside you on how to do each exercise. You don’t have to think about it, … Read More