The Ultimate Road Warrior Workout

Being a personal trainer makes me a freak for workouts. Finding a way to get it done is imperative, whether outside, inside, or on the road, when it’s time to get it on. Working out is easy when you have … Read More

3 Methods To Make Workouts Efficient & Effective

We all have the same 24 hours a day, and many people have the same excuse for not exercising time or lack of it. The problem solver in me wants to come up with a solution for this. Now, I … Read More

A Foolproof Workout For The New Year

I’m going to resist the New Year New You refrain.   Well, whoops, I did it again. The amount of people who pick up the New Year fitness habit and then in a month, poof, it is gone. The advice that … Read More

4 Upper Back Exercises For Strength & Posture

Being a tall, skinny kid with poor self-esteem, I made myself smaller by rounding my upper back and walking around with poor posture. Once strength training became my bag, that all changed. The upper back plays a vital role in … Read More

5 Shoulder Strength Exercises For Real Life

The shoulder known also as the deltoids is one of a few muscles that gets weaker the older you get. This is true for most muscles because it’s a use it or lose it deal. The shoulders’ mobility and strength … Read More

6 Best Strength Exercises For Beginners

Here are the six best strength training exercises for beginners We know strength training improves you inside and out but if you’re a training beginner, where do you begin? With a wealth of advice on the internet and from gym … Read More

5 Best Pushing Exercises For Beginners

You’ve been ‘pushing’ since you have been born. Pushing yourself off the floor, pushing your brother or sister around or pushing the door shut. Pushing is a movement that’s hotwired into your brain. It’s a movement which comes naturally to … Read More

5 Best Pulling Exercises For Beginners

The Best Core Exercises For The Beginner Here The Best Squat For The Beginner Here Pulling exercises and movements work the important muscles you DON’T see.    When you were a child and learning how to walk you probably pulled … Read More

How To Exercise When You Have No Time

Do this when you have no time for exercise There is a common misconception you need a lot of time to exercise for it to be effective. Plus, a common excuse for not exercising is having no time. See how the two are … Read More

6 Must Do Exercises Part Five – Carry

The hardest part is over. You made it to the gym and that’s usually half the battle.  Now that you’re there, what are you going to do?  This is where a lot of people get stuck but do not worry, … Read More