One Door Closes, And Another Door Opens

If you have rotated around Earth a few times, you have heard the saying one door closes and another door opens. Usually, the door that closes is not the one you wanted closed in the first place, and people say … Read More

It’s my birthday and I’ll eat if I want too…..

It was my birthday on Wednesday March 6th   . And if I haven’t mentioned it before, I love me some birthdays. Some people run and hide from their birthdays and lie about their age, but not me because I … Read More

How you can start an exercise routine from scratch

Getting started is hard. Whether you’re doing something for the first time or starting up again after a break, taking the first step is difficult. You’ve all been there at some stage, correct? My first foray into the gym was prompted by … Read More

Why I hate gyms

Note- This is the authors opinion only. Hate is a strong word, but I got your attention, didn’t I? It’s more an extreme dislike of commercial membership-based gyms and it’s been festering like a bad smell for a few months … Read More

How to start in the gym

I’ve been training consistently for over 15 years which makes me ancient in the gym years. I’m so old I remember when there were no TV’s on treadmills and the internet came through the phone line. I can smell a … Read More

The gym is intimidating. Here’s what do to about it

My very first time in a weight room was a confusing experience and I had no idea what I was doing. And it showed. What made it worse was despite looking confused, lost and intimated, nobody offered to help me. … Read More

The biggest gym mistake

There is only one way to learn (in my experience) and that’s the hard way. If you didn’t suffer, you’d keep on making the same mistakes repeatedly, right? I think mistakes and the repercussions afterwards are the universe’s little reminders … Read More

Gym etiquette

The gym is a great place to de-stress and throw some weight around. It’s an environment to improve your mind, body and soul. You can leave your problems at the gym doorstep and just focus on training. Unfortunately, not all people … Read More

33 random gym observations……

Who doesn’t love lists? You get minimal time investment in reading them and little pearls of wisdom may get dropped on your forehead. Plus, it’s not one of those long drawn out articles that at times can get bogged down … Read More