The Ultimate Road Warrior Workout

Being a personal trainer makes me a freak for workouts. Finding a way to get it done is imperative, whether outside, inside, or on the road, when it’s time to get it on. Working out is easy when you have … Read More

4 Bodyweight Exercises To Get You Strong

When most people think of strong or physical strength, they think of moving heavy weights. I’m a massive fan of all feats of strength on social media. I’m an enormous fan of getting regular people strong. It’s great when a … Read More

3 Summer Vacation Training

Train while on vacation to help enjoy your treats guilt-free 😊 Are you the type of person who enjoys exercise even while on vacation? Answer this before you go any further.  If you answered yes, great read on but if … Read More

6 Must Do Exercises – Squats

Squats are a must do in most exercise programs The hard part is over. You made it to the gym and that’s usually half the battle.  Now that you’re there, what are you going to do?  This is where a … Read More

Restore your squat

Love them or hate them, squats are a part of your everyday routine from the moment you wake up and until you go to bed. Throughout the day, you’ve performed the squatting movement several times, possibly without realizing it. For … Read More

It’s the little things…………..

When you’re looking to make a change, any change, you usually go big. This is especially true when you’ve hit an exercise plateau and your results have slowed to a crawl.  You may feel the need to do something drastic, … Read More

Summer fitness tips

This is the time to kick back in the sun and not slave away in the gym. Thoughts should turn to the beach and drinking fancy concoctions with umbrellas in them and not to the squat rack. You shouldn’t let … Read More

4 household items for strength training

At most gyms you walk into, there is equipment as far as the eye can see — fancy treadmills that have TV’s with push button controls and machines that isolate every muscle imaginable. Lots of equipment is nice and gives … Read More

Summer exercise plan

Failure to plan is planning to fail, and if you’re planning to let it all hang out this summer, you’ll need to exercise to maintain your health and fitness. However, one of the last places you want to be is … Read More

The best exercise you’re not doing……

This is a weekly series on exercise that will give you the biggest bang for your exercise buck in and out of the gym. Today’s exercise is the birddog. You should do this because–  this move trains and improves your … Read More