Your Daily Movement Prescription

Do one or more of these five movements daily to keep yourself in tip-top shape Movement doesn’t stop after you leave the gym. After all, the human body was made to move. The benefits of daily movement are numerous for … Read More

Posture Strength Training 101

Posture isn’t a big deal until it is. There are a ton of experts much more knowledgeable than me who will tell you poor posture is NOT a big deal and they’re right. But improving your posture or keeping up … Read More

You Are A Machine

The Best Machine For Cardio Is You There’s a temptation to head straight to the cardio machines when wanting to get a sweat on. And there’s nothing wrong with it because all movement is good movement. There are great benefits … Read More

4 Ways To Exercise Around Injuries

Note- This article is referring to non-serious injuries, like muscle strains, low-grade back, shoulder, and knee pain. This should not be mistaken for medical advice as I do not wear a white coat. Being 51, a former weekend warrior and … Read More

5 Mobility Exercises For Better Movement

5 mobility exercises to get you rocking and rolling When you were a child, movement came naturally, and even without thinking you could run, jump, bike, and sprint. You were a constant blur of movement. Now, as you have gotten … Read More

Coordination: The Neglected Part of Fitness

Improve your overall coordination with these exercises. Being a tall lanky kid, I never thought of myself as coordinated. I was all arms, legs, and clumsy. And I still am. I’ve lost count of the amount of stuff that has … Read More

6 Best Strength Exercises For Beginners

Here are the six best strength training exercises for beginners We know strength training improves you inside and out but if you’re a training beginner, where do you begin? With a wealth of advice on the internet and from gym … Read More

5 Best Pulling Exercises For Beginners

The Best Core Exercises For The Beginner Here The Best Squat For The Beginner Here Pulling exercises and movements work the important muscles you DON’T see.    When you were a child and learning how to walk you probably pulled … Read More

5 Best Core Exercises For Beginners

The Best Squat For The Beginner Here The Best Back Exercise For The Beginner Here When I was a training beginner, I didn’t know what the core was. I thought it was a six-pack and nothing else. Now after exercising … Read More

It’s My Birthday And I’ll Write If I Want To

Here’s is what I’ve learnt from lifting weights for 30 years For 12 years of my 51 birthdays stomping around this earth have been spent telling people what to do while wearing tracksuit pants and drinking excessive amounts of coffee. … Read More